Croatian Copyright Agency

A specialized agency for the protection and realization of copyright and other intellectual property rights. Your reliable partner – from the idea, through realization to commercialization.

Photo by Vjekoslav Skledar

About us

Our mission is to provide comprehensive legal and business consulting and protection to authors and holders of intellectual property rights from all creative industries in the Republic of Croatia and the EU, and to raise awareness of the importance of respecting and enforcement intellectual property rights at all levels.

Photo by Zvonimir Ferina
Taking care of your intellectual property is our mission

Our services


We operate according to the principle of a one-stop shop center for the care of the rights of authors and copyright holders, from the moment of the creation of the author's work, through the realization of rights, up to the protection of the same in case of infringement.

Brand protection

∙ Trademark protection
∙ Industrial design
∙ Copyright and related rights
∙ Domain names

Protection of inventions

∙ Deposit
∙ Patent
∙ Utility model
∙ Business secret

Intellect. property

Intellectual property is a collective name for subjective rights on intellectual creations as intangible assets and objective rights in connection with them.

Our projects

Contact Us

We operate according to the principle of a one-stop shop center for the care of the rights of authors and copyright holders and other intellectual property rights, from the moment of creation, through the exercise of rights, up to the enforcement of the same in case of infringement.