Users of author's works

Photo by Vjekoslav Skledar

Theaters, publishers, producers, as well as other users of works of authorship and related rights regularly contact us in order to acquire the right to use works of authorship and to regulate rights and obligations by contract. Before realizing any artistic project in which other people’s works are used, it is important to arrange relations with the authors and fulfill their legal obligations, and CCA ensures that this arrangement is timely, thoughtful and proper. We completely take over the communication with both contractual parties and the negotiation of the conditions, as well as the drawing up of the contract and the calculation of compensation with the payment of taxes and contributions.

In addition, we are always available to draw up legal opinions and legal advice in order to answer any question in the field of intellectual property that you may face, and the possibility of establishing business cooperation is also open in order to engage our agency as a permanent associate in charge of the aforementioned tasks.