V.D. Trokut

Vladimir Dodig “Imagine” triangle, art installation
Vladimir Dodig Trokut (Kranj, 1949 – Zagreb, 2018) was a shaman, art collector, gallerist, museologist, donor, historian, anthropologist, theoretician, lecturer and publicist in addition to the segment of fine arts.
He organized more than 700 problem exhibitions, actions, performances, body-art sessions, installations, wundercammer (cabinet of miracles), so-called live theatre, monodramas and theatrical performances. It is represented in several encyclopedias and lexicons, as well as in world glossaries of contemporary artistic practices.
He is the leader and founder of several formal and informal groups: factions of the Red Peristyle group, 3i, group 30, Manifesto 72, groups A, B, C, D, E, group Attributivna participation (co-founders are Darko Schneider and Harald Szeemann). In the period from 1998 until 2005 in Labin, with Harald Szeemann, unites the Antimuseum and the Museum of Obsession for which a graphic map of 15 sheets and 185 artifacts – publications, editions, maps, seals, etc. was printed. In 1966, 1967 and in 1968. deals with signalistic, letristic and object-poetry. Since 1968 it moves from shamanism to art, and from art to anti-museology. He declares himself an anarcholiberal and an Orpheist, and deals with objective art. He is the originator of variants of conceptual and post-conceptual no-art and is the creator of new museological and artistic practices on a global scale, as well as terms in new artistic practice and museology such as the term Anti-museum, Black-it-art, Black-out-art , Black no-art, industrial archeology and archeology of blood. He is the founder of the comprehensive art and museological project Anti-Museum, Open Museum, Combat Museum, Museum for Every Day, Total Museum, Museum without Walls, Tea Museum, as well as the ideas of Anti-City and Anti-Street.
He is the founder of numerous museum projects and production sites – factory-museums, he is the founder of the world’s first Anti-museum (as a project, not a classic museum concept). He organized more than 700 problem exhibitions, actions, performances, body art, installations, wundercammer (cabinet of miracles), so-called live theatre, monodramas and theatrical performances. It is represented in several encyclopedias and lexicons, as well as in world glossaries of contemporary artistic practices.

