Anita Kontrec was born in Zagreb, where she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and studied sculpture
the class of prof. Ivan Sabolić at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Since 1989 until 2017 years
he lives between Cologne and Zagreb and is active in the Croatian and German art scene, as well as in his own
projects often connect Croatian, German and international artists and institutions. For her
artistic work is a characteristic interdisciplinary approach, and in her multimedia projects
it often refers to current social, cultural and political phenomena. Since 2017 lives again
in Zagreb, where he continues to collaborate with numerous cultural and artistic institutions abroad. More
from thirty years of artistic work she presented at the retrospective exhibition Kreisverkehr
Roundabout at the HDLU House in Zagreb, 2016, and published a trilingual monograph of the same name). Years
It was founded in cooperation with the Croatian Author Agency HAA-CIV in June 2021. years in
Zagreb. The purpose of the Foundation is to preserve and promote the rich work of this Croatian-German artist
who achieved most of her artistic creation and international artistic career in
Germany, where she lived since 1989. until 2017 years. After the retrospective exhibition CIRCULAR FLOW /
KREISVERKEHR / ROUNDABOUT to the “Ring” galleries (Meštrović Pavilion) in Zagreb in 2016.
decided to return to her hometown where she first started her distinctive art career
solo exhibition at the DDT Gallery in Zagreb in 1986. years.
The goal of the Kontrec Foundation is to continue cooperation with Croatian and international artists and cultural
institutions, with a focus on the German art scene